Lets stop guessing
by using
With technological advances, there's never been a better time to get to the root cause of diet-related health issues. Ever wondered if you were lactose intolerant, how your stress levels measure up or how much visceral fat you have?
These questions, and so many others, can now simply be answered using the systems listed below.
be well informed
to map your journey to good health...
Nutritics & Libro: State of the art macro & micronutrient analysis software with personal app.
Tanita: Bone mineral density, visercal fat, muscle mass, metabolic rate, metabolic age, hydration levels.
Food Marble: Real time IBS, SIBO, lactose and sugars tolerance using real-time Hydrogen breath testing.
Invivo Laboratory Diagnostics: Latest advancements in diagnosistics; a British B Corp company.
Soma Bioscience: Real-time cortisol biomarker measurement through a Wallingford-based company.